common connections foundation
Oil painting by Je Hlobik via Etsy
Making the Connection to engage communities in uplifting curated special events, fundraisers, workshops, community and volunteer projects centered on issues that impact our communities and everyday lives. We strategically connect with public, private, nonprofit organizations, faith based organizations and individuals on focal issues to empower underserved communities for social change and progress. Each event is developed to work directly within our mission. |
Did you know that Cancer, Diabetes, and Heart Disease share several risk factors? The word "change" is powerful, difficult and often times a frightening concept. Change means to alter, make or become different. We can become empowered when we take control of our lifestyle with healthy eating, exercising, eliminating debilitating vices, proactive screening, prayer and meditation. Don't be afraid of stepping out of your own comfort zone! Make the choice and commitment to create a healthy lifestyle for yourself. Mitigate and break the cycle of the three common and prevalent health diseases that impact our communities and pass on a positive, winning Trifecta legacy today.
Learn how you can be a part of and support our Winning the Trifecta Awareness Ribbon Project...
Trauma is defined as a deeply distressing or disturbing experience. It is the emotional shock that follows a stressful event or physical injury that can lead to chronic neurosis and behavioral disorders. When exposed to violence directly (and indirectly), what measures do we take to address our inner wellness? Often times we dismiss our inner wellness with self-coping mechanisms of acceptance and disregard, convincing ourselves that traumatic exposure is normalcy. Our thoughts, feelings, exposures and experiences can greatly impact not only our inner wellness but our physical health as well. And sadly, taking action to address our inner wellness is widely stigmatized and ignored. Our strength is in taking the time to explore, understand and address what pains us, acknowledging it and healing from it. Bringing awareness to inner wellness (mental health), domestic violence and gun violence collectively contributes to the vitality of families and communities. Advocate for "Tri-Awareness" with us!
Learn how you can be a part of and support our Tri-Awareness Ribbon Project. More Info
Socio-Economic Peaceful & Positive Community Engagement Southside Community Holiday Jamboree Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year! It is also the season of giving. What better time is there to serve others and celebrate peace with positive engagement, all in the service to one another? In December, Common Connections Foundation looks forward to uniting our communities for an indelible experience of volunteerism, altruism, holiday cultural awareness and fun! |